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A Tube Site With Potential? –

If that potential gets achieved, I think that Sheriff will become the next queen of England. Sorry for being so frank right from the gate. porn is a Russian free-tube site, and almost every other video is deleted. It took me about four tries to open up a video that’s not deleted, finally. Let me check again so that you don’t say that I’m an ass. Let’s see, category, amateur. Okay. Let’s try a video titled Fucking my wife 26 – camera sex video. Play… Yup, I was right. Yet another deleted video. A bad start for so far.

Are Tube Sites Always Low Quality?

No. Neither is It’s usually that they just have management problems behind the scenes and are sorting them or are in the process of it all. When you run a town like I do, being the Sheriff gives you insight into how people are gonna be and how you need to smack them up their heads sometimes to get them going. That’s why they love me, so God damn much. Rule with an iron fist, so you don’t get fisted up your ass, is what my mother used to say. She had that royalty in her, as you can see. Back Biqle.

Are All The Videos Deleted?

No, they aren’t, but many are, and that’s fucking annoying when you are choking your chicken and every other video is out of order. I know I wouldn’t stand a second of that crap when all the blood is returning back to my brain as I’m playing MineSweeper with these videos, praying to find a working video. How fucking hard is that?!, you are a porn video provider, and you are even fucking that up! What the fuck?! The Sheriff just got pissed, and once that happens, it’s all downhill from there. 

What About The Categories?

They are mediocre at their best. The basic ones are there, and some obscure ones like ‘heels’ and ‘Familial relations.’ I’ve never seen this category before, but I’m pretty sure they wanted to use the word incest in there but were probably too scared due to all the recent scandals that rocked the adult realm. Who can blame them? Besides that, has two top tabs, Most Popular and Longest. That’s it. Yup, that’s pretty much it. Not only does this site lack videos, it even lacks creativity. Nice job

What Are Your Final Words

If anyone needs to be rounded up, tied up, and thrown in jail for trespassing the rules and regulations of a decent porn site, unfortunately for, it’s them. This is just unacceptable! One hand browses for unexisting porn while the other eagerly awaits stimuli to continue on with the jerking?! Hell to the naw! I need to call a reverend up in here to conduct a sermon and an exorcism because this site is cursed! Let’s all hold hands and sing Halleluyah for Biqle porn. But before i go i would highly recommend you to check out the reviews on porndune & pinflix as well.

  • Very easy to browse around
  • Lots to click on
  • Horrible design
  • Half of the videos are deleted

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