Home » Free Milf » Momzr

Yawzers, My Dick Got Hard Browsing

What in tarnation is this site all about!? I stumbled upon this amateur-lookin’ site called, and at first glance, the Sheriff knew that his willy’s gonna have a good time! Yup, the little pistol I keep in my pants started to tingle, but then I realised that I was watching some AI-generated bitch sucking on a squid hose that drips with black tar, what we out here in the West like to call – black gold! I thought that this was a MILF site where slutty momzers, or whatever they call them, get banged. Well, the Sheriff almost got bamboozled!

Is A Brand New Site With Milfs I’d BANG BANG BANG?

Yes. This is my short Chat GPT straight-to-the-point answer. These skanks are sluttier than Marilyn Monroe on JFK’s dick, and they are doing it without the condom on – with their step-sons! The site is all about the mothers we’d all love to fuck who are fucking their step-sons. How’s this considered hot to anyone? Not sure anymore. My head is still spinning from that octopus fucking that poor slut’s pussy! That’s the first thing the Sheriff didn’t appreciate – the mixing up of all the videos. If you have milfs, then milfs it is! If you have VR, then VR, but don’t give me sea creatures with pipes longer than mine, fucking gals that I didn’t get to bang bang baaaang! At least not yet. Now, onto the rest of the review…

Is There Enough Content On Momzr?

No. I love this Chatp GPT thing. There is a scarcity of good ole ‘moms getting boned by stepson’ in these lands, and it shows. You can see on the left part of the site what categories they have and how many each carries. Well, as of now, there are under 20 in each category. More like less than five, but hopefully, they turn up the engines and start adding skanks to the site because the Sherriff will have to round up the no-good bandits responsible for fucking up his expectations regarding good milf sites. The sentence is long, hard, and sticky at the end. I don’t suppose non of yall want the taste of the Sheriff’s justice now, don’t ya?

What’s The Quality Of The Videos Like?

I busted a nut kind of quality. Yup. I shot up a load so thick my T-Bone in my frying pan got jealous. They are good. Some are HD, in fact. They don’t go less than what the Sheriff’s standards are, and you can download some of the videos that you want, full-length, all for free! So, at least they got some of the things right. No popups, no annoying ads, good video selection, and great video quality. It’s just that they are way too green behind the ears, and they have no numbers. I need more than 100 sluts per site to deem it as passable. Now, let me fry my T-Bone.

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